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Fillers (Revinesse, BellaFill, Sculptra)

Fillers (Revinesse, BellaFill, Sculptra)

What is it?

Dermal fillers are a go-to treatment for boosting volume and stimulating collagen production. With acne scars, we have a great range of filler such as "BellaFill", "Revinesse," and "Sculptra". 

These types of filler last longer than regular hyaluronic acid filler and contain particles that work deep into the dermis for collagen and elastin production. 

Why is it used?

These treatments are used because they last longer than traditional hyaluronic acid fillers. "BellaFill" can last up to 5 years, "Sculptra" up to 2 years, and "Revinesse" up to 1 year. 

What does it help?

Dermal Fillers help you achieve volume in areas of damage caused by acne scarring. During a thorough consultation, we can determine which type of filler will provide the most beneficial results just for you. atrophic.